MIRM Equips Teachers in Sabah with Specialised Holistic Education Training

In October 2022, the Make It Right Movement (MIRM) partnered with a coalition of teachers in Sabah to deliver a specialised training programme aimed at equipping educators with essential skills to support students in both academic and personal development. The training, held in collaboration with local schools and educational authorities, focused on three key areas: Psychological First Aid (PFA), Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Financial Literacy. Through this initiative, MIRM sought to empower teachers to become more effective in addressing the holistic needs of their students, especially in the context of mental health, emotional resilience and financial empowerment.

This training was part of MIRM’s broader mission to enrich communities and transform lives by providing educators with the tools and knowledge they need to support students’ overall well-being. By equipping teachers in Sabah—one of Malaysia’s most diverse and geographically remote regions—with these critical skills, MIRM aimed to address the unique challenges faced by students and teachers alike in rural and underserved areas.

The Importance of Supporting Teachers in Holistic Education

Educators play a crucial role in shaping not only the academic future of their students but also their mental, emotional and social well-being. In today’s complex world, where students face increasing pressures from both academic expectations and personal challenges, it has become essential for teachers to be equipped with skills beyond traditional pedagogy.

The Coalition of Teachers Training in Sabah recognised this need and focused on three key areas that are increasingly important for educators:

Psychological First Aid (PFA): With rising awareness about mental health, teachers are often the first line of support when students experience emotional distress. PFA equips educators with the skills to provide immediate and compassionate care to students who may be going through a crisis or traumatic experience, such as personal loss, bullying or other emotional challenges.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL): SEL is an approach that helps students develop the emotional intelligence they need to navigate interpersonal relationships, manage stress and make responsible decisions. By incorporating SEL into their teaching, educators can help students build resilience, empathy and self-awareness, which are essential life skills.

Financial Literacy: In addition to supporting students’ emotional well-being, the training also focused on empowering teachers to provide financial literacy education. This aspect of the programme aimed to teach students the fundamentals of managing money, saving and making informed financial decisions—skills that are crucial for future financial independence and success.

MIRM’s Approach to the Coalition of Teachers Training

MIRM’s approach to the Coalition of Teachers Training was rooted in the understanding that teachers, especially those working in rural areas like Sabah, face unique challenges in supporting their students’ development. By offering a comprehensive training programme that included both mental health support and practical life skills, MIRM sought to address the needs of students holistically.

The training sessions, held on October 25, 2022, were led by MIRM’s experienced team, which included experts in psychological first aid, social emotional learning and financial literacy. Thirty teachers from schools across Sabah attended the training, which aimed to equip them with the skills they could immediately apply in their classrooms.

Key Components of the Training

Psychological First Aid (PFA) Training:

  • PFA was a central component of the training, as many teachers expressed concerns about their ability to support students who may be experiencing emotional distress or trauma. MIRM’s team guided the teachers through the basics of PFA, including how to recognise signs of distress, how to approach a student in crisis and how to provide initial emotional support.
  • The training also emphasised the importance of self-care for teachers, as dealing with student trauma can take an emotional toll on educators themselves.

    Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Techniques:
  • SEL was introduced as a proactive way to help students develop emotional intelligence. The training covered how teachers could incorporate SEL practices into their everyday lessons, such as using empathy exercises, role-playing and mindfulness techniques to foster emotional awareness and resilience.
  • Teachers were also encouraged to create a classroom environment that promotes open communication and emotional safety, where students feel comfortable discussing their feelings and challenges.

    Financial Literacy for Students:
  • The financial literacy component was designed to help teachers integrate basic financial education into their curriculum. MIRM’s team provided materials and lesson plans that teachers could use to teach students the importance of saving, budgeting and understanding financial concepts.
  • With financial literacy being a crucial skill for long-term success, especially in rural areas where economic opportunities may be limited, this training aimed to provide students with practical knowledge to manage their finances effectively.

Impact and Outcomes

The Coalition of Teachers Training in Sabah was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants, who reported feeling more confident in their ability to support their students in both emotional and practical areas. Some of the key outcomes included:

Empowered Teachers: The teachers who attended the training felt better equipped to handle the emotional and psychological needs of their students. They also appreciated the practical financial literacy tools provided, which they could immediately incorporate into their lessons.

Holistic Student Support: By focusing on both SEL and financial literacy, the training gave teachers a well-rounded approach to supporting students. Teachers now had the skills to help students manage both their emotional well-being and their future financial independence, contributing to the overall development of well-rounded individuals.

A Ripple Effect: The training had a broader impact than just the 30 teachers who attended. As these teachers returned to their respective schools, they shared what they had learned with their colleagues, expanding the reach of the training and ensuring that more students would benefit from the new techniques and insights.

Long-Term Collaboration: The success of the training led to discussions about future collaborations between MIRM and the Sabah education community. There are plans to expand the programme to reach more teachers in the region, with the hope of creating a sustainable model for supporting student well-being and financial literacy in Sabah’s schools.

Looking Ahead: Expanding Teacher Training in Rural Areas

MIRM views the success of the Coalition of Teachers Training in Sabah as just the beginning. With the positive feedback and the clear need for such training, MIRM plans to expand the initiative to other rural regions in Malaysia. The goal is to ensure that all teachers, regardless of where they work, have access to the resources and support they need to help their students succeed—both academically and emotionally.

The next phase of the project will include further training sessions, as well as the development of new resources that teachers can use to continue building their skills in PFA, SEL and financial literacy. MIRM is also exploring ways to integrate these topics into teacher training programs on a national scale, ensuring that future educators are prepared to support the holistic development of their students.

The Coalition of Teachers Training in Sabah, organized by MIRM, was a resounding success, empowering educators with the skills needed to support the mental, emotional and financial well-being of their students.