Nestlé Malaysia Contributes 1,023 Milo Packets For Families In Need
As BAC Education’s Free Makan campaign accelerates to Gear 2, sponsors and collaborators have come forward to support our cause. Without them, our quest to stop hunger would be severely impeded.
One of these generous contributors is none other than Nestlé Malaysia! We received 23 cases of MILO ACTIV-GO (33 x 200g) on 28th June 2021 and another 8 cases on 5th July 2021.
Nestlé donated a total of 1023 packets of 200gm each. Nestlé’s contributions were a pleasant surprise to the recipient families. They were thrilled to find Milo packets amidst their groceries.
Families all over KL and Selangor received these Milo packets. Distributions were made on the following dates and location:
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