Providing Relief To Raub’s Most Affected

All eyes have turned to the flood-hit regions of Malaysia. With supplies, resources and morale running low, the survival of these communities are a cause for great worry. These atrocities, combined with the worsening Covid-19 spread across the country, are severely affecting the livelihoods of these flood victims.
Due to the goodwill of Malaysians all over, hit RM50,000 out of its RM100,000 target. Replenished and restocked, the team of volunteers headed back to Raub for a second round of supply deliveries. The locations were Hospital Raub, Jeram Besu, Kampung Tersan, and Taman Bintang Cheroh.
The communities and villagers living within these locations are suffering the most from these flash floods having lost their homes, personal possessions and are without food and water.
At Hospital Raub, the team was met by the hospital director, Puan Idila and her staff. They expressed much relief as the hospital’s Covid ward required extra food and drinking water. Without these basic needs, it would be difficult to maintain sanitation and to prevent further spread of the virus within this flood-hit community.
Back at Jeram Besu for a second time, the team spoke with Pak Cik Sabri who was so grateful for the volunteers’ presence. He mentioned how the supplies delivered on the previous Wednesday were very helpful. They successfully set up a central kitchen to cook for 5 families living there. However, Pak Cik Sabri mentioned the dire need for mattresses as they have all been destroyed by the sludge and flood water.
The situation in Kampung Tersan had not improved much from the last supplies delivery. Flood waters were still high enough to prevent the volunteers’ cars and even their four-wheeled Navarra from going through.
A group of flood victims met the volunteers at a mosque in Kampung Tersan.
They explained how these supplies will be used to cook for all tomorrow as they are hosting a small gotong royong to clean up the place. Despite the high flood waters and damages, their perseverance to continue with efforts to restore Kampung Tersan is beyond admirable.
The villagers also appealed for more mattresses as they have all been ruined due to flood waters.
The last stop was Taman Bintang Cheroh where supplies were delivered to 66 families in collaboration with the Lions Club of Raub.
This second drive was supposed to also include a stop at Kampung Tersang but the flood waters prevented volunteers from getting through to the villagers there.
On Wednesday, the volunteers had managed to deliver supplies to the flood victims at Kampung Tersang. The supplies were very much needed, with one family going two days without food.
From this second supplies drive, it is clear that these victims and communities are fighting tooth and nail to survive in the face of the floods and a worsening third wave of this pandemic. With no homes, damaged personal possessions and scarce resources, there is so much more that needs to be done in order to restore these strong-willed people’s lives.